Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Amna is 8 months young: And she called me MA!

Darling Amna!

How time flies – you are now 8 months young!!

And surprise surprise, you called me “MA!” and ayah “AY-YAHH”

At first I thought you just randomly said AYYAH and MA without even knowing what they mean. Just like when you blabbered “BUAH, APAPAPAPA et cetera”. But after observing you for some period of time I noticed that you are actually meant it when you said MA and AYYAH!!

It’s such a happy moment when we learnt that you actually called us “MA” and “AYYAH”

But of course most of the time you said “AY-YAH” and only called “MA” when you were sad, hungry, sleepy. -_-“

I love you nonetheless. :D

Jadi anak yang solehah okay Amna?


.theweirdo. said...

muka cam asben ko si amna ni. mata je mata ko. tengok tangan dia macam nak geget je.


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