Thursday, December 6, 2012

Amna is 6 months young: Our hearts are 'swollen' with love

Your first time eating apple
Hi Amna,

You are now 6 months young. According to the doctors, it is now safe for you to try solid food. Your first food was banana, which you don't really like. The second one was apple puree, and boy did you love it!

And for your 6 months celebration Ummi bought you a high chair! I hope you'd love it. Ayah yang pilih.

But honestly I don't think you are ready for the high chair. You are still not able to sit by yourself so whenever we put you in the high chair, you tends to knock your forehead against the highchair table. Cepat-cepat pandai duduk ok, sweetie?

We bought your high chair during a warehouse sale. There was lotsa babies item and one of them is the cot ayah put you into.

Showing off your leg, eh Amna?

That was aunty Zira and uncle Duwe at the back, buying a travel system for their unborn baby.

More photos of you when you are 6 months young :-


As of to date, Ummi had feed you with sweet potato, sweet potato with broccoli, carrots, pear, avocado. Tunggu 8 months baru Ummi kasi brown rice porridge okay.

I love you, Amna. You filled Ummi and Ayah's heart with love. Our hearts are 'swollen' with love. ;)



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